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Carol Fernando received her degree in biology from Boston University and her master's degree in biology from John Carroll University, where she was able to study the Weberian apparatus under direction of the late ichthyologist,  Miles Coburn. Her master's thesis focused on the ontogeny of the Weberian apparatus in the lemon tetra (Characiformes).  The Weberian apparatus is an adaptation of the anterior vertebrae significant in defining the otophysan group of fresh water fish; it acts to amplify sound waves. She then worked in the lab of HHMI geneticist Matt Warman to study mechanisms of bone homeostasis in zebrafish, as well as participating in studies using the mouse as an model to study the biologic pathways governing development, growth and maintenance of cartilage and bone. Currently, Carol's work in the McDermott lab is focusing on the use of reverse genetic techniques to further an understanding of the molecular biology of the hair cell, using the zebrafish as a model. Carol also manages the zebrafish facility and the mouse colony for the lab.

Email: caf15@case.edu


Fascin 2b is a component of stereocilia that lengthens actin-based protrusions.Chou SW, Hwang P, Gomez G, Fernando CA, West MC, Pollock LM, Lin-Jones J, Burnside B, McDermott BM Jr. PLoS One. 2011;6(4):e14807. Epub 2011 Apr 26.

Temporal and spatial expression of CCN genes in zebrafish. Fernando CA, Conrad PA, Bartels CF, Marques T, To M, Balow SA, Nakamura Y, Warman ML. Dev Dyn. 2010 Jun;239(6):1755-67.

Normal growth and development in mice over-expressing the CCN family member WISP3. Nakamura Y, Cui Y, Fernando C, Kutz WE, Warman ML. J Cell Commun Signal. 2009 Jun;3(2):105-13. Epub 2009 Apr 29.